Create a new program

Create a new program

How to create a new program?

You will need to create a new program on your platform for each new initiative you want to digitize.

Creation of a new program

To start your new program, simply click on the "Create a program" button, at the top of the page on the administrator interface.

You will then arrive on our guide. You can choose between :
  • Following our guide and the different important steps to build your program,

  • Or skipping the guide and setting up your program at your own pace, if you already know the platform well.

Configuration of a new program

If you click on the "Continue" button you will be taken to a page asking for the basic information about your program.

You can setup here :
  • The name of your program

  • The main and complementary language of the program

  • Indicate the objective of your program

Once you have filled in all the information, click on "Continue".

Setting up the program image

A random image is generated for your program.  To change it, click on the button with the pencil on the image.

You can:
  • Choose an image that corresponds to your program, among the royalty-free images proposed on our image bank

  • Or load directly the image that corresponds to your program

    Once you have chosen your image, click on "Continue".

Click on "continue", to confirm the choice of your image

Setting up the program steps

The steps constituted in a course will define the application file.  The first setting is the title of the course.
Here, the title will be "application file".

To setup the steps that compose your course, you must :
  • Click on the "Add a step" button

Then for each step, you must setup :
  • A name

  • Select the nature of the step (if it is a form or text and media)

  • The color code

The color code will be used on the administrator's side, at the dashboard level for :
  • The statistics

  • Analyze the status of the answers

Each step has a form linked to it, and you can repeat the operation as many times as you have steps.

Creation of a form

To create a form, you must click on the "create" button.

You arrive at the form editor, where you can setup, and add your questions, as well as separators etc.

With the "Drag and Drop" you will move the questions/separators on the editor, to build your form.

We invite you to consult our article on how to create a form, for more details.
You can save and exit the formbuilder, to return to it later.

Your form is now associated with your new step.

Setting up the final sending step

The final send step allows you to setup the message before, and after, submitting a file.

Once the final sending step is setup, you can finish the setting by clicking on "Finish".

Congratulations! The settings of your program are complete!

Your program is well created, you can make adjustments if you wish.
For this, we invite you to consult the other articles, in our help center on this subject.

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