Legal notice

Legal notice

Purpose of the information published on this site :

The purpose of this site is to introduce visitors to the application management software and the various associated services. This information site also enables visitors interested in's services to send a request for information, demonstration or quotation, which, on receipt of this request by, triggers a contact by e-mail and/or telephone.

Company name: DAVESE

Registered office: 4 RUE JEAN MACE 75011 PARIS 11

Share capital: €18,000.00

Company registration number: 825 055 528 R.C.S. Paris

Siret : 825 055 528 00020

NAF code: 47.91A

Intracommunity VAT number: FR39825055528

E-mail address: hello (@)

Ownership and contact details of site editor: the site is owned by DAVESE. It is administered in France and hosted by Webflow - AWS & Fastly via Webflow.

Director of publication: Benjamin RIVALLAND, President of DAVESE

Editorial manager: Benjamin RIVALLAND, President of DAVESE

Design and development: designed and developed by DAVESE - 4 RUE JEAN MACE 75011 PARIS 11

Content creation: created by DAVESE - 4 RUE JEAN MACE 75011 PARIS 11

Site host contact details: Webflow, Inc. 398 11th Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103

    Configure your portal 🚀

      • Popular Articles

      • Privacy Policy

        RGPD AND PRIVACY NOTICE WIIN At WIIN, protecting and respecting your privacy is a primary concern. The purpose of this document is to inform you about our practices regarding the treatment of information that you may provide to us when using our ...
      • 1. A portal in your image - introduction 📍

        Customize your portal in a few minutes ? We will see through several videos how to easily configure and customize your portal. Configure your platform Name of your platform Your logo The color code of your platform The text of your homepage Define ...
      • 5. Improve your portal 🚀

        Advanced settings By default, the call to action button redirects to all active programs on the platform. You can customize this redirection and the presentation of your programs. "Home" menu From the "Settings" menu, it is in this "Home" menu that ...
      • Invite a member to your team

        How do I invite a member to a team application? You have the possibility to invite members to apply as a team. Invite a member to the team To add a member, click on the "Invite a team member" button. Then enter the email address of the contact, you ...
      • Frequently Asked Questions

        Frequently Asked Questions What is ? is designed for everyone—from small startups to large organizations designed to assist startup incubators, foundation, innovation award programs and Non-profit organizations in efficiently managing ...
      • Recent Articles

      • Modify candidate's e-mail address

        How do I change my candidate e-mail address ? On the platform, as a candidate, you can change the e-mail address used to create your account. To do so, simply follow these steps on your interface: Click on your profile icon, then select the “My ...
      • Changing the role of a collaborator

        How can I change the role of an collaborator ? On your platform, you can change the role of an existing collaborator according to your needs. To do so, please follow the steps below: In your program, click on the “Collaborators” menu. Select the ...
      • Create customized views on the evaluation session dashboard

        How do I create customized dashboard views for an evaluation session ? In your evaluation session, as in the “Repositories” menu, you can create customized views on the dashboard. To do so, please follow the steps below : In the “Evaluations” menu, ...
      • Validate / Reject proof of payment

        How do I validate / reject a proof of payment ? As a program manager, you can validate or reject a candidate's proof of payment. This action can be performed in the “Deposits” menu or in the “Transactions” sub-menu of the “Payment” menu. In the ...
      • Resend an account confirmation email to a candidate

        How do I send an account confirmation email to a candidate? When a candidate's account is created on the platform, he or she receives an email with a confirmation link enabling him or her to finalize the creation of his or her account. This link is ...