You need to make a payment to complete and submit your file.
This article gives you the details of how to make a payment on the platform.
Select a product
Once you have reached the checkout stage, you must first select the product(s) you wish to purchase.
Then, depending on what has been configured, you can select the same product one or more times. To do this, simply enter the number of products you want.
Payment methods
There are 2 payment methods : Credit card or Proof of payment.
You will need to proceed with payment, depending on what has been activated by the organizer.
If Paypal is enabled, you can use the application to make the payment.
Follow the application's instructions, and you'll be redirected to the platform once payment has been made.
Credit card
You can also proceed to payment by entering the information directly on your file.
Please fill in the required information, all of which is mandatory to validate your payment.
Once all the information has been entered, click on the "Pay" button.
The information in the screenshot is fictitious.
Once the payment has been validated, you will see a validation message.
You can also download a pdf invoice by clicking on the "Download" button.
If necessary, you can buy another product by clicking on the "Add a new payment" button.
Proof of payment
This is the second payment method you may be offered.
Follow the information provided by the organizer to proceed with payment.
You will need to add a proof of payment in pdf or image format to prove that the transaction has been carried out (invoice, order form, screenshot, etc.).
The commentary may not be activated depending on the organizer.
Once you've added your proof of payment, click on "Submit for verification" to validate your payment step.
A confirmation message indicates that your proof of payment has been sent to the organizer.
The organizer will get back to you to confirm or reject your proof of payment.
Validation times may vary depending on the organizer, so don't hesitate to ask directly for more informations.
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