The platform activity log is a precise record of all actions carried out by users on the platform. It is used to track and analyze platform usage. The log provides a complete history of all activities taking place on your platform and in your programs. You can view the events of the last three months.
Where can I find the platform activity log ?
The platform activity log can be found :
On the administrator interface
In the Activity log menu
How does the platform activity log work ?
The platform activity log includes :
A table summarizing the events recorded on your platform and your program
A filter to filter the different types of events (collaborator connection, deposit deletion, tag addition...)
A button to download the complete archive of platform/program activity
A button at the bottom of the page to load more events
The summary table
It lists :
Platform actions
Name of the person who initiated the action
Action title
Purpose of action
You can filter by program or event :
Authenticated user
Tag added / deleted
Message sent
And much more...
Download button
This button lets you download the complete archive as an Excel file.
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