Customize it to your image! 👍
In this video, you'll see all the important things you need to consider when customizing your platform's homepage.
To get started, on the administrator platform, go to the "Configurations" menu.
Two menus will allow you to have a platform that reflects your image.
The "General configurations" menu
To customize :
The name of your platform
The domain name
The subdomain name (Info: depending on your plan)
The logo (tip: use a square format)
The color of the platform
The languages (info: depending on your plan)
The "Home" menu
To customize on the home page :
The title
The cover image (tip: a filter is applied to the image to highlight the title and the call to action button. Therefore, choose a clear image without any text on it).
The presentation text
The title of the call to action button
The redirection link behind the call to action button
Do you have a question? Need some advice?
Do not hesitate to contact us directly via the support interface present on the administrator platform! 😉