The role of the evaluators on a program is to rate and validate the files. There may be situations where they may want to re-rate.
Configuration of the re-evaluation of a file
The program administrator on the administrator interface is the one who authorises evaluators to re-evaluate a file.
To do so, you (administrator) must :
- Go to the evaluation menu by clicking on " Evaluation "
- Go to the corresponding session by clicking on " Configure "
- Go to the dashboard by clicking on "Dashboard" at the top left
- "Click on the name of the evaluator" who wishes to retake an evaluation
- Revert to draft: The status of the assessment returns to “draft” and the assessor can reconsider his decision, then definitively revalidate his score once everything is correct.
- Delete evaluation: Criteria are reset to zero for candidates selected by the evaluator. The assessor will then have to repeat the entire rating and resubmit it definitively.